01525 887277
James Colvin
Managing Director
I set up Mayflower Accountancy because I love working with engaging people and ambitious businesses.
I qualified in 2011 as a Chartered Management Accountant and spent 15 years working in industry advising large companies. My job was to help them make sense of the numbers, so they could make the right decisions. I aim to bring that experience to all of my clients in what I do.
I am forward-looking. Compliance will always be important, but I try to add value in helping my clients plan and prepare for the future, protecting cash flow, and achieve their targets.
Finally, I also see myself as a fellow business owner. I have genuine enthusiasm and empathy for my clients and enjoy seeing them succeed.
Company Accounts, Income tax, VAT, Corporation Tax, Management Accounts, Cash Flow Forecasting, Budgeting, Systems